We all have parts of our body we may not be totally happy with, be it some extra flab on the backs of our arms, obvious love handles, an annoying double chin, or perhaps a protruding belly. Of course, you can learn to love these flaws and accept them—but if you’re just within reach of achieving an overall slimmer figure, why let any resistant rolls or bulges hold you back? For patients in the Charleston area considering fat reduction, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Marguerite Germain and her team advise scheduling a consultation to determine whether CoolSculpting® is right for your needs.
When CoolSculpting® is applied to a specific area, some of the fat cells under the skin are frozen and ultimately broken down, leaving behind leaner contours. This can be thought of as a nonsurgical alternative to traditional liposuction surgery—though it may not provide as dramatic results as a surgical procedure would. CoolSculpting® isn’t a substitute for weight-loss surgery for obese patients, but can target smaller areas of subcutaneous belly fat. The applicator that is used on the stomach is designed to be especially effective on that specific region. To help the body process and flush out the dead fat cells, your provider will gently massage the abdominal area at the end of the session.
If you’ve recently noticed that you’re carrying extra weight around the middle, or perhaps you’ve always had a slight beer gut, there could be many reasons for the bulge. It’s a no-brainer that having a less-than-stellar diet and an inactive lifestyle are contributors to the problem of excess fat. Aging, stress, inadequate sleep, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption might also play a role.
Some people may be genetically predisposed to having an apple-shaped body because of the way their body fat is distributed. Gender also comes into play, as men are prone to having more of a paunch, while women usually store fat on the lower body around the hips, thighs, and butt. Hormonal changes as women approach middle age can also cause a wider waist.
While CoolSculpting® can’t repair stretched-out skin and muscles, it can be beneficial for women who hope to restore their stomach to a look of pre-pregnancy contours.
Germain Dermatology in Charleston offers a wide range of cosmetic procedures, including CoolSculpting®. Talk to someone about fat reduction today by visiting the practice, phoning 1-844-SC-CHILL, or submitting a contact form.